October 19, 2020

http://www.raggededgemagazine.com/0501/0501cov.htm Old article about disability.

August 3, 2020

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs

My boy Nate at it again

July 27, 2020

Critical Confusion

July 6, 2020

This week's "The Letter" discourse makes me want to hit my head against a wall but I feel like I can't just ignore it. All the usual Cancel Culture battles are happening for the billionth time, but this time the whole thing seems to have been more or less concocted by terfs to get more reasonable people's names alongside J.K.R.s as a gotcha. I'm not a "cancel culture isn't real" guy but it's pretty exhausting to see both the Freeze Peach bullshit and the sillier reactions to it.

A Letter on Just Us

A Letter on Just Us

Angery rant about The Letter by Julius "The Intern" of ALAB Series fame. This kind of hot take is absolutely not gonna convince anyone who thought the letter was good but it is somewhat cathartic, and more productive than the 18yo Twitter users trying to cancel Noam Chomsky or whatever.

Full Employment

Cory Doctorow: Full Employment

Good old Cory. I'm sure this article will make multiple sets of people quite mad - certainly the AGI LessWrong types, and also the more utopian Fully Automated Luxury Communism types.

I more or less agree with this on both fronts, though I think he's probably a bit strong / too reductionist in declaring the "two possible paths" of what is going to happen when the reality of 30% unemployment hits Western countries. Maybe I'm just pessimistic but what if things just go on as they are and don't change, and we just have an even bigger underclass than before?

Unrelated, Doctorow appeared on TrashFuture recently and it was quite interesting to see the clash between his SocDem-ish politics and the more hardcore materialist politics of Alice Caldwell-Kelly.


Doctorow doesn't believe in the acceleration to AGI narrative, and further he's skeptical of the commonly predicted automation apocalypse that is allegedly going to remove the need to work and either destroy society or save it.